The Customer Contact Blog
A collection of expert insights and event news to help you accelerate growth.
ASK THE EXPERTS! Panel Discussion – Do This, Not That: How We’re Using AI and How It’s Working Out
Moderator Cippy Seidler, Director, Consumer Care Center, Banner Health Panelists Heather Arthur, Vice President, Canada Contact Centres, Scotiabank Jeff Grant, Senior Technology Consultant, Enterprise Contact Center, Southwest Airlines Andy Lisk, Vice President,...
Crowdsourcing Tactical Solutions to Your Most Vexing Customer Challenges –
Key “Fixes” from the 18th Annual Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange
Read on for key ideas and suggestions generated from the first three sessions -great insights and ideas you can implement right now.
What is Winnable? Strategic Priorities for Transformative Customer Experiences
Customer experience (CX) has become a central focus for companies due to its overarching view of the customer’s journey as well as their perceptions of your brands.
Executive Insight-Strategic Partnering to Attract Top Talent
Abstract: Attracting and retaining talent is tough in any industry but, it can be especially challenging in the contact center space. The anatomy...
EXECUTIVE INSIGHT – Strategies and Tactics for Doing Hybrid Right
At the 19th Annual Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange event, Wilson Nieves shared statistics and insights about...
Four Ways to Make Your Contact Center Integral to Business Growth
When service is in a silo far from marketing and sales, customer journeys become disconnected. And that hurts the customer experience (CX). Gaps...
A Video Presentation from the 19th Annual Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange | BEST PRACTICE – Teaming Up to Raise NPS
Presented by: Brian Wolfe Vice President, Global Customer Experience JBL, a division of HARMAN International Abstract: JBL’s Consumer Division has...
Ideas and Opportunities Flowing from the Changing Contact Center Landscape
The 19th Annual Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange, held April 23-26, 2023 in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, revealed...
The Importance of Strategic Selling within Customer Service – Seizing the opportunity for tighter collaboration between Customer Service and Sales
During this time of ongoing change at both macro and micro levels, keeping your Customer Service and Sales teams actively partnered and engaged has...
Your Long-Term Strategy Begins with a Plan
Presented by: Janet Solomon Vice President, Client Operations/Contact Center Solutions Fiserv
Executive Brief – Leadership in an Evolving Contact Center Ecosystem
The one constant in the contact center ecosystem is change. The key to success is to have a methodology that blends time tested strategies with the ever-shifting needs of the business.
Three Skill Sets Leaders Need to Prioritize Today
Today, transformative skill sets are needed to build teams that are cohesive, productive, profitable and happy. (Not necessarily in that order). If you have blind spots, you, your team, and your organization will struggle to thrive in a business climate that is constantly changing.
An Excerpt from the 18th Annual Customer Contact West: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange Chronicles
Jasmine Green shared her organization’s approach to creating a more customer-centric culture and some of the methods used to build programs and involve associates in the process. This included building a portal where employees submitted ideas for improvement.
The Three Shifts of Customer Leadership
What are the most essential shifts a key account director needs to make in order to see industry-leading customer results in their business? The answer is not doing more activity or more technology. It’s a shift in perspective. Why?
Transforming the Customer Experience for Deaf Consumers
“Always remember that everyone with whom you have a relationship has an invisible sign on their forehead that says, ‘Make Me Feel Important.’ Treat...
Activating the Digital Mothership: Retaining Top Talent in the Modern Era of Work
New Normal. Extraordinary circumstances. Unprecedented. These are all the words we’ve heard applied to the last three years of work life. This...
Crowdsourcing Solutions to Your Most Vexing Customer Service Challenges
When thought leaders from TMX Finance, Dun & Bradstreet, Baxter Healthcare and others gathered in Tucson, Arizona for the 18th Annual Customer...
How Baxter Healthcare Launched a Successful, Patient-Friendly Telehealth Program
There was a gap in the dialysis industry with regards to additional support for patients during the first 90 days of starting dialysis. Baxter identified this as an opportunity to utilize telehealth technology along with RPM through our connected devices to provide additional support for patients during their first 90 days on dialysis.
A Fireside Chat – What It Takes to Lead with Agility
Presented by: Natalie Beckerman and Alpa Shah Senior Vice President Global Vice President...
Frost & Sullivan Shares Global Team’s Customer Experience Insights
Highlights from recent research and discussions conducted by the Frost & Sullivan Global CX team.
The Customer Engagement Leadership Council Announces 2023 Critical Issues
Frost & Sullivan’s Customer Engagement Leadership Council, a member-driven, business leadership network for senior-level executives in the customer experience, customer care and contact center industries, recently announced the Critical Issues of focus for members in 2023.
The Chaos of the Customer
Are you trying to solve that seemingly unsolvable CX problem? Is everything about your customer behavior seemingly random? Perhaps…it’s not all that random at all.
Elevating Practices for Hiring Managers: How to Hire Right in a World of High Attrition and “Slim Pickins”
High rates of attrition and no humans to hire have put hiring management teams into a scramble to hire and hire anyone! Such extreme conditions mean interviewing managers have lowered the bar and are hiring anyone with a pulse.
Tackling Engagement and Retention Challenges Amidst a Stress Endemic
Moderated by Andrew Deutscher, Founder, Regenerate
Your team is successful when they bring their creativity and their strategic thinking skills to the table. As a leader you must find creative solutions to address the chronic stress that stymies that and prevents workers from becoming disengaged or leaving your organization.
Headliner – It Takes Emotional Intelligence for Impactful and Quality Customer Interactions
FIRESIDE CHAT – What It Takes to Lead with Agility
Lessons learned that forced us to become agile as a leader in the contact center world, leading people and personalizing the approach to our customers.
HEADLINER – Contact Center Digital Transformation: Then, Now, and Next Level
It’s Time to Rewrite Your Employee Engagement Playbook
Be an employer that’s attractive to employees. Offer competitive benefits and salary. Make sure your work environment is pleasing.
HEADLINER – The Unlock that is Empowerment
Presented by: Monica Rothgery Chief Operations Officer KFC US
Top Takeaways from the 18th Annual Customer Contact West: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange
Frost & Sullivan held yet another successful customer contact event, with executives staying engaged throughout the three days of interactive sessions.
Six Questions You Should Ask About CX Implementation
INTRODUCTION At the 18th Annual Customer Contact West: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange in Tucson, Arizona last week, John Bord,...