About Frost & Sullivan

For the past 60 years, Frost & Sullivan has partnered with corporations, cities, governments, and the investor communities to identify, prioritize, and execute on new business opportunities powering clients toward a future shaped by growth.

1. The Council is supported by a growth strategy company fifty years strong

The Customer Engagement Leadership Council is underpinned by Frost & Sullivan, a growth partnership company that has been developing successful growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community for over 50 years.

In turn, The Customer Engagement Leadership Council, a Frost & Sullivan Professional Development Community, is the world’s foremost member-driven, global business leadership network for senior-level executives under the customer experience, customer care and contact center umbrella.

Council membership offers senior executives an ongoing seat at the table, as members become involved in dozens of important conversations about best practices in customer contact, customer engagement and customer experience that take place throughout the year.

2. The Council provides the tools, platforms and network to help you succeed

In an era of rapid change and disruption, your ability to make good decisions depends very heavily on how well informed and prepared you are. To ensure you’re poised to advance to your greatest capacity, and to make better decisions, you need the best tools and resources available.

CELC membership brings access to the latest industry thinking as detailed in case studies, white papers, executive briefs and more. Your connection to the Council’s password protected website brings exclusive access to this thought leadership as well as to a network that includes the best and the brightest of your executive peers. We’ve done the hard work by identifying the minds that are shaping the customer experience today.

Visit https://go.frost.com/uscelc to take advantage of our complimentary trial membership offer today. You’ll discover a powerful platform and community for continuous engagement and collaboration. Membership means you can add your voice and help steer the conversation, as well as gain industry insights you won’t find anywhere else.

3. The Council offers access to dozens of in-person and virtual industry events

Membership brings ongoing opportunities to learn and grow. Here is just a snapshot of some of the upcoming live and virtual events you’ll be privy to as a member of the Customer Engagement Leadership Council:

Council Virtual Event: Executive Coaching Clinic with Michael “Coop” Cooper
March 12, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Michael O. “Coop” Cooper, Founder of Innovators + Influencers, and an internationally recognized executive coach, advisor, facilitator, and trainer who specializes in working with executive teams, will lead a Virtual Executive Coaching session for members only. During this live coaching call, members will have opportunity to be coached, ask questions after peers have been coached, or just listen-in and learn vicariously.

16th Annual Customer Contact East: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange April 26-29, 2020 Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa

Themed Realizing Your Customer First Vision, this event is a hub of ideas, inspiration and industry connections for customer service and customer contact executives who strive to innovate the customer experience.

14th Annual Customer Contact Europe: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange 9-11 June 2020, Sheraton Dubrovnik Riviera Hotel

Themed Effortless and Efficient Experiences: A Win-Win for Customers and the Organisation, Customer Contact Europe prepares you for the future of customer care.

For more information or to join now, click here

About Frost & Sullivan

For the past 60 years, Frost & Sullivan has partnered with corporations, cities, governments, and the investor communities to identify, prioritize, and execute on new business opportunities powering clients toward a future shaped by growth.

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